
Crazy Girl

I don't care who you are, if you're a girl you have the ability to act....well... a little crazy sometimes.

Blame it on the weather, blame it on hormones, blame it on stress.  We ALL have our crazy moments.

Now what distinguishes us from those girls who truly are CRAZY are how often we let those moments overtake our lives, make our decisions, and flat out ruin our relationships.

Are you with me here girls?

The problem is, we know we are acting crazy and yet we still cannot reason with ourselves in our minds.

Let's take exhibit A:
You have had a particularly bad/boring/etc. kind of day.  You're looking forward to hearing from your crush/boyfriend/husband, only he doesn't call... or text... or do whatever you have planned in your mind on him doing.  Probably because he's busy you know.... WORKING.  Or doing whatever else he does.  Or maybe he's not busy, instead he's watching t.v, or surfing the internet, or doing whatever it is that he does when he's not with you.  The truth is, at this particular moment in time, he is NOT thinking about you.

That drives you crazy doesn't it?  How could he not be thinking about you?  How could he really not be thinking about anything?

We don't understand this, because quite frankly we don't understand the opposite sex at all.  We on one hand can think about a million things, juggle everything, and still manage to send sweet, thoughtful (ok, sometimes angry, irritated) text messages.  Guys on the other hand, cannot.  Easy enough.

Ok, so he doesn't text or call, or whatever and you start to get a little paranoid/insecure/whatever.  Don't you HATE that.  Ugh.  So.  Annoying.

What you can control is how you react to it.  So don't freak out, don't ask him a million questions of "what's wrong" or why is he being "standoffish" or whatever.

Just stop, breath, and DO SOMETHING you crazy girl.  Stop being bored enough to act like a crazy.

So this may or may not be directed at myself.

I digress.

So I guess what I'm saying is, we girls all have our crazy moments.   Keyword: MOMENTS here, not all the time.  I have yet to meet one who hasn't, and if there is one out there, more than likely she's not a true girl at all.

I guess my hope for our "genre" is that we will all find the guy for us who will love our crazy side, tell us we are acting crazy, and move on.

No one's perfect.

And all you married women don't even try and act like you don't have your crazy moments too!  We all know you do...

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