BUT.... there are some that are either stupid, annoying, or way more fun to break.
1. Take your contacts out a night. Ever since getting contacts in the 6th grade (and WOW how much better I could see!) my mother, Optometrist, and practically everyone else I know stressed to me the importance of taking your contacts out at night time. Don't get me wrong, I see the value in A. Saving your eye sight, and B. Letting your eyes "breath" but who on earth has the time or patience to take them out every night and spend precious minutes putting them in each morning. Not to mention, I am BLIND without them, blind I tell ya! I prefer to be able to see the face of my attacker when he sneaks up beside my bed.
2. Don't mix black and brown. Sometimes, black and brown look pretty good together. In fact, sometimes black complements brown, or the other way around. So black and brown together? Sometimes this is a DO.
3. Don't eat raw cookie dough, batter, etc. Who the crap invented this rule! They just plain don't know what the simple pleasures in life are. I keep the big economy size tubs of cookie dough from Sam's in my fridge, and lets just say I NEVER bake cookies. I've never gotten food poisening, or salmenella, or any other diesease that I think our parents make up from it either. Now I'm going to go knock on some wood....
4. Don't ever picture your first name with the last name of whomever you're dating. This is stupid. I don't want to end up with a stupid name for the rest of my life, so I think it's very smart to think about what your name would sound like with his last name. It's not like I'm picking out wedding venues here.
5. Don't get back in your car while filling up your gas tank. Umm... hello? Do YOU live in the freaking artic otherwise know as Northwest Arkansas during the months of November-March? Obviously whoever follows this rule lives in sunny Flordia or some island in the Pacific. I know, I know I could shock myself and cause an explosion. I "ground" myself before I touch the gas pump, I think thats plenty.
6. Don't stay friends with your exes. I think this is so stupid. Yes, sometimes you have to have a clean break, and obviously when the relationship ends badly it's not really possible to stay friends. But if a relationship ends because you just don't fit together, why end a great friendship? My future husband, however, I'm sure will probably think differently on this one :)
7. Don't have sex on the first date. Who invented this one??? Whoa... kidding. Just checking to make sure you're still with me here.
8. Always eat breakfast. They always say breakfast is the "most important meal of the day"... what I say is... who is THEY? Sometimes I'm not hungry in the morning, sometimes I don't wake up until lunch time, and sometimes (ok, most of the time) I'm flying out the door in the morning. So I say, eat when you're hungry.
9. Don't walk when the sign says "Don't Walk". J walking...what's that? If there's no cars coming, I'm crossing the street!
10. Dont eat after 7 p.m. I understand that your body can't metabolize your food when you're sleeping. But if you're not going to bed until 2 a.m then I think it's perfectly acceptable to not eat until 10.
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