
Tests, TV, and Miss America

Cross your fingers that I passed both of my tests that I took yesterday!  The first one was the pedagogy.  We had to write a week's worth of lesson plans for a topic we were given, in an hour, plus write two assessments.  It's tough to write all of that in only 60 minutes.  My hand hurt so bad afterwards.  My topic was Nutrition and Digestion, and I think I did really well.  Let's hope, because I really don't want to have to do that again.
My Earth Science test is another story.   That stupid test is so hard.  It really was discouraging to me.  I studied so hard for it, and I wanted to walk out of there confident that I had passed.  I'm not sure if I passed or not though :(   But I know it's all in God's hands now.

Yesterday, I attended a watch party for Miss America at my friend Brittany's house.  It was so much we!  We had a blast cheering on Alyse, and we just KNEW she had it when she was down to the final 2.  We were so let down when she walked away 1st runner-up.  Still, though, 1st runner-up is the best Arkansas has ever done!  I can't believe the girl who won is only 17!  That's amazing!

After the watch party ended, I met up with some of my guy friends who were in town for the weekend.  We went out, and next thing I knew it was WAY too early in the morning.  We had a blast though, and that's all that matters.

I've been paying today for all the stress of the past week, and staying out so late last night.  I've felt horrible all day!  I slept in until 11 this morning, which is practically unheard of for me, and ever since I've just been relaxing on the couch catching up on all my Reality T.V :)  I figure that I deserve a lazy day though since I spent 7 hours testing yesterday!

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