I've been slowly but surely working on an application for a teaching fellowship that is due next week. I've had writers block for the past three weeks. I work extremely well under stress, which is why I normally procrastinate. I know it sounds weird, but my creativity always comes out when I'm in a time crunch to finish something. So, even though I've intended on getting my application in early, it looks as though it's not going to happen. Oh well...
Today I was assigned a student aid. Anyone who is a teacher can silently rejoice with me in the fact that I now have an aid. Hallelujah!
On a different note, I am excited because my roommate is coming home tonight! It's been so long since we've both been in town on the same day, we have a lot to catch up on!
So evidently the people who live above me do not understand the fact that cigarette smoke leaks through the vents. Ugh. So every now and then my room (and everything in it) smells like smoke. I CANNOT STAND SMOKE! Anyone who knows me understands this little fact. So right now I have a million candles lit trying to get my room to smell normal again, ugh. Cigarettes should be outlawed, especially in apartments.
Yesterday, I wore my clothes to school with the tags on them. Luckily one of my sweet students informed me of this. It's still embarrassing, yet likely to happen again.
Well, sorry for the rambling, but I'm still having a hard time getting used to being back at school! My students wear me out!
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