A precious senior at the school I teach was killed in a tragic car accident yesterday. She was beautiful, smart, and very well-liked. She had just been nominated for homecoming that day. She had her whole life ahead of her.
She was an only child.... I cannot even begin to imagine the grief her parents are facing right now.
We heard the news while at a football game. Students went in droves to the hospital and to Sara's parents' home to grieve together. A faculty meeting was scheduled first thing in the morning to talk about how to help our students grieve.
I could never have been prepared for what I would see as I walked into the building that morning. The entire student body wearing blue (Sara's favorite color), crying, hugging each other, looking for hope. The most difficult thing being a teacher, or a parent is helping a child learn to grieve.
Our staff meeting was even more difficult as our principal could not contain her sorrow over losing such a joy to our student body. One of our school police officers rushed to the scene of the accident upon hearing it was a BHS student. He described to us the details of the accident. Seeing a grown man, break down and cry is not something you see very often. A testament to Sara's effect on others.
Soon after, Sara's parents came up to the school to be with the students. I could not be more proud to teach the amazing students of BHS. Seeing, each child suddenly grow beyond their years as they offered words of support and comfort to her parents, overcome with grief, is one memory I will carry with me forever.
The rest of the day was a haze for most of the students. I have nothing but the utmost respect for every teacher, administrator and staff member of BHS as they granted every single student the opportunity to grieve in their own way. They were allowed to sit with friends in the gym, meet with grief counselors, write letters, cards, or use other creative outlets.
It is without a doubt that I can say the students at BHS will use tragedy to create hope. They already have so many ideas of how they would like to honor Sara's life and her parents.
Teaching can be difficult, and today most certainly was one of those days... But today proved to me that the heart of life is good.
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