
I'm no Superman

I often laugh/cringe at how invincible I thought I was while I was in my teen years. The thought of getting hurt or something bad happening never crossed my mind. I would drive recklessly (I hope my parents aren't reading this!), love without abandon, and try anything at least once. To be so nonathletic and clumsy, I was the most adventurous person. Hence why I've had so many injuries in my short life :)

As I grow older, I look at my generation and realize now how our invincibility have turned into naivety. Somewhere along the way we miss the point that we WILL have struggles in this lifetime. I used to think that once I got out of my teens years, my life would become a bliss of perfection. Perfect job, perfect marriage, perfect kids, etc. Yea... go ahead and laugh. I do.

It's not just that things won't be perfect. It's that things won't always be as we intended for them to be. No matter how hard we work for that job, the economy could change and we could loose it. A spouse could be injured, or killed in tragic accident or an everyday situation. Children could become sick. You might have difficulties becoming pregnant, or.... no problem at all, if you know what I mean (haha).

What I intend, is not to tell you how life can change in the blink of an eye, we all know that. My future looks so bright right now, but I understand that there are hills and there are valley's. I continually remind myself to thank the Lord for the blessings He has bestowed upon me, but to also ask Him to build in me a faith that will withstand the hills. We will all face our mountains.

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