Whew. I made it through my first week of teaching! Having interned all last year, I liked to think that I was prepared for the first week of school. However, nothing could have prepared me for the constant, nagging stress I would now feel each afternoon as I wrestle with the thought of going home, or staying for one more hour to tackle the never ending to do list.
I now understand how teachers easily work into the late evening hours each day and still find it necessary to venture down those halls on the weekends too. I limit myself though, I make myself go home by 5:30 at the latest, and will not allow myself to even step foot near BHS on a Saturday. Ha!
I love being a teacher though, and so the anxiety and stress are all worth it!
Combined with welcoming my students to their first year in high school, I've also been prepping my cheerleaders for a "little" thing called Tiger Pride. It's basically like a back to school BBQ on steroids complete with scrimmages, performances, fair food, and vendors from all around.

So naturally I spent a lot of time with this big blue mat and 18 energetic cheerleaders. Nothing makes you wanna work out more than being around these girls 24/7, haha!
All the hours of practice were worth it though as they made their first appearance as BHS cheerleaders!

Sorry for the total blurriness of the picture, I was taking a picture of the one on my camera.
So alls well that ends well.
I'm gearing up for another fun filled week at BHS, wish me luck!
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