Aren't you proud I am actually posting some pictures on here?? I know, impressive right. Well, they aren't my pictures, I stole them from Erin (I still can't seem to find my camera cord OR charger). So excuse the quality of the photos, I'm not sure why they came out all grainy, they were taken with a very camera.
Tressa FINALLY turned 21 last week. She is definitely a young one. We began the night by eating at Powerhouse. It's a seafood place located right off of Dickson St. and they have amazing food! I always love having a good excuse to go eat there. After we were full, and probably had one too many Killowatts (their signature drink) we headed to Grub's so Tressa could make good use of her now legal i.d. After making our rounds and seeing everyone at Grubs we decided to end the night at U-Know UNO. It's a Kareoke bar on Dickson. They weren't real crowded so we got to make full use out of the microphones. We had so much fun! I've got some pretty awesome flip videos of our amazing singing skills, but those will have to come another day.
So here is Tressa's 21st Birthday summed up in pictures!
The beautiful birthday girl! Rick's Bakery did the cake (who else?) and I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. It was strawberry on the inside. SO good!
From Left to Right: Amy, Me, Erin, and Tressa. We go WAY back. Amy, Tressa and I all competed in Miss Teen Arkansas together. Erin is a former Miss Arkansas. Now Tressa & I are babysitters for her precious kids Wheatley and Reynolds. Erin was sweet enough to come to dinner and out with us afterwards and truly made Tressa's birthday night extra special!
I just love her so so much! Tressa is truly one of the sweetest friends that I have and would go out of her way to do anything for you. I am so happy that we are living together now! It's like having another sister.
This pretty much sums up our relationship in a picture.
Love these girls so much! Oh, and Amy was 1st Runner-up at Miss Arkansas this past year and is going back this summer too! We are so excited for her and can't wait to go watch her hopefully win :) Then we will all get to go to MISS AMERICA in Vegas and cheer Arkansas on!!!
We were at U-Know UNO serenading Tressa. Most fun place of the night!
Erin and Tressa had to do their version of "Love Shack" They brought the house down!
One of the most amazing girls! She truly lives to make a difference in kids lives and lives it out everyday. She is a woman after God's own heart and such an inspiration to everyone who knows her.
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