One of my girlfriends, Summer, wrote a post on her blog about the lifechanging books she has read and asked me to do the same. First, read about hers here.
Here are mine, I read so much that it's hard to just limit it to a few but here we go!

How can I put into words how much I love this book? I have read it at least three times and each time is better than the first. It revolves around the idea that we, as women, have a unique role to play that can't be played by anyone else. We should embrace that and stop trying to act like someone we're not. It talks a lot about beauty, which I love, and how our beauty is our gift to the world.
"Eve…She is the crescendo, the final astonishing work of God. Woman. In one least flourish creation comes to a finish not with Adam, but with Eve. She is the Master’s finishing touch… His piece de resistance. She fills a place in the world nothing and no one else can fill… (Ladies) Look out across the earth and say to yourselves, “The whole, vast world is incomplete without me. Creation reached its zenith in me.”
"Satan fell because of his beauty. Now his heart for revenge is to assault beauty… he hates Eve.
Because she is captivating, uniquely glorious, and he cannot be."
"Though we may fear the test, at the same time we yearn to be tested, to discover that we have what it takes."

Ok, this book is AMAZING. It's over 400 pages and I seriously read it in a day, passed it on to my roommate at the time, Christi, who read it in a day, passed it on to one of her friends... You get the picture. It's still circulating out there somewhere.
The storyline is about a girl named Angel who was sold into prostitution as a child. Michael, is a guy who is sent by God to lead her to Christ's love as well as his own. There are constant struggles in this book for Angel who doesn't understand the love Michael is showing her. She constantly returns to the brothel house, because she feels like she is never meant to be anything more than a prostitute. Michael seeks her out each time and rescues her. This book is the best example of true, unwavering love. It is based off of the Biblical story of Hosea and Gomer. It teaches us about a love that doesn't care what your past is... every girl should read this.
Quotes I loved:
"Love is the way back into Eden. It is the way back to life"
"Michael Hosea was a quiet man, but there wasn't anything soft about him. There was something in his look that made men treat him with respect. It wasn't just his height or the strength of his body, which were both impressive enough. It was the clear steadiness of his gaze. He knew what he was about even if the rest of the world didn't."
ahhh i love it! i have read the last two of your books on here and they are AMAZING! i'm going to add them to my book review too...they are just classics in my book! and the beth moore one seems like i would like it... :):)