

I figured I would post while I am waiting to go into PT. I want to begin by saying that I am loving Beth Moore's blog right now. I have this need to know what other people's lives are like, and I just love reading her blog everyday. It's incredibly encouraging.
It's really unfair that right now while it is gloomy and depressing in Fayetteville, AR my wonderful boyfriend is in Cozumel, Mexico soaking up the sun. Not fair I tell you! This has been the world's longest week. I am so ready for Sunday to get here so I can see Brad, do his laundry :), and send him on his way for his last week of camp! Horray!!! This long Summer is almost over
Although I have not particularly enjoyed being apart from Brad for so long, I can see God's purpose in all of it. Isn't it nice when you can see WHY God does things?

- I have become more independent. Let's just say that I used to not be the most independent person in the world, and while I am sure to return to some of my old ways once Brad is back in town (who likes pumping their own gas?) I have also grown a lot and am more assure of myself and my abilities. I have also restored so amazing friendships!

-Speaking of friendships, I have been blessed with the greatest girl friends this summer and have had some amazing conversations and just fun times with them! I am also so glad that I have had the chance to grow even closer to hopefully my future "sisters".

-Quiet times in the mornings have become a necessity. I used to always be envious of girls who could wake up early in the morning to spend some quality time with the Lord. Now I am one of those girls! I can definitely tell a difference in my day when it starts with God!

- I have been able to walk away from some other relationships that were present in my life that were not really that good for me.

- I have a job that I absolutely love!! And work with some wonderful women! That's an answered prayer!

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