I received a weird phone call today. My doctor's office called and he said that he believed I would heal 100% completely and that he was not going to renew my prescription for physical therapy. This was weird to me, since I am still on only partial weight baring and crutches. So I was surprised, and today was my last day of pt. I was sad b/c Steven, the physical therapist that I've had since January, wasn't there today. So some random guy had to discharge me. I'm gonna have to face book Steven and let him know the news. But maybe this means that May 11th I will be walking!!! That will be so great :)
Tomorrow I think I am going to go order some invitations for Summer's bridal shower. The invitation to the right is the one I am thinking about using. I just thought it was really cute and said that it was a recipe shower, which is what we are doing! Now I just need to get them printed and addressed! LOVE planning events like these :)
Well this is all I have for now, there might be more later.
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