What has the
craziness pure bliss of my life been since you've seen me last? Let me catch you up on a few of the details....
1. I
sailed through PASSED my comps!! Sailed through would be a major exaggeration. For those of you not familiar with the
MAT program. Comps is the dreaded experience that cumulates our existence in the program. We began hearing, and preparing for comps last summer, and all the preparation came to a final end on April 27th, 2011. Comps consists of two parts: Defense of our Thesis, and Presentation of our Portfolio. Basically, you defend your Thesis for 1/2 an hour, and then Present your Portfolio for the other 1/2 an hour. I love public speaking, but this made me nervous to no ends! I was so
relieved happy when my professor walked outside of the room, gave me a big hug, and told me I passed! Now I only have one more informal observation and a week and a half of student teaching and I will have my MASTERS DEGREE!!! I can't believe it!
2. Thanks to my peach of a roommate, I was offered a position as a part-time photographer for
Celebrate Magazine here in Northwest Arkansas. Celebrate is one of the social magazines up here, much like Soiree in Little Rock. It tells you the who/when and where of NWA. My position would entail going to Charity events and taking pictures! Fun, right?! I would also get 4 tickets to every event! Due to the fact that I'm not positive on where I'm going to be living next year, I'm still not sure if I'm going to accept the offer or not, but it's fun entertaining the idea.
3. The job application process is STRESSFUL but the interview process is so much fun! It's neat finally feeling like something is happening in the job department, and although I can't say much right now...I can say that God will put me exactly where He wants me, and there is SO much comfort in that!
4. I'm getting very excited to move into my first place
on. my. own. However, finding that place is a long and gruesome search. I'm very
high maintenancee picky about living quarters, and my parents are insistent upon a garage and security system. There's not too many options out there for that.
My mom is getting very excited to come decorate my new place! Decorating is her passion, and I don't mind having her help :) I'll tell more about my design inspiration ideas soon.
5. I turned to big 2-3 amidst the monsoon that flooded most of Fayetteville! In all my years of attending the U of A, and during the entire time the campus has been open, never has it closed for rain!! I'm telling you, it was insane last Monday. Insane and dangerous! Dickson pretty much looked like those water rides you used to ride at Disney World. I thought my little car was going to get swept away.
stole borrowed these pictures from my friend Sarah over at
Peace, Love & Sweet Tea because I am too lazy to upload pictures from my own phone.
Nope, the U of A did not invest money in new waterfall features. That's the water pouring off of Old Main Lawn.
Looks like there's not gonna be any tailgating here for a while.
Yes, we're all idiots and drove through this stuff. Lots of cars got swept away.
Insane. That's all I have to say. And this wasn't during the worst of it. Notice it's stopped raining now.
This was taken coming down Razorback Rd.
I now understand why it's called a "Flash Flood". Because "Flash!" there goes your car!
Sorry this one is sideways. Good luck getting up those stairs!
So yea... the University closed at 3:30 that day, and we all waded home to wait out the floods, and look for an Ark. For those of you familiar with the Fayetteville area: Weddington, Township, Old Wire, Hwy 64, Porter Road and many others were completely shut down. Yea...try getting home when you live on any of those roads. Rural High School that I teach at was closed on Tuesday because of flooding.
6. Have you heard??? William & Kate are getting married. Just wanted to make sure you knew...it's not like the 24/7 coverage didn't clue you in... Seriously though, I will be one of those loonies watching it while I'm getting ready tomorrow morning. What girl
hasn't dreamed of marrying a Prince and becoming a Princess.
7. Can't forget to mention that before mentioned roommate Tressa over @
This & That has been selected as the new Executive Accounts Manager for
Citiscapes Magazine! Woo hoo Tressa!! Now every single one of you need to go buy the magazine! It does make us sad though, that she will no longer grace
Riffraff with her presence....