Since I am SO slow at getting pictures uploaded on my computer, here is a recap of last weekend:

I drove down to Little Rock after I finished my final for Botany in Ft. Smith. Tressa, Paula, and I met up for lunch @ Browning's in The Heights. For anyone who isn't familiar with Little Rock, The Heights is an historic section of downtown Little Rock. It is filled with gorgeous old houses and most still even have slave quarters in the back. Amidst all the old homes there is a shopping district that houses unique stores and restaurants. Next time you're in town, you should make a visit! It was great getting to catch up with Paula since I haven't seen her in years. Paula was Miss Arkansas and my pageant coach for many many years while I was competing in the Teen Arkansas system. Not only was she a great mentor to me, I consider her a friend. I also babysat her daughter, Aubrey, beginning when she was 3. Aubrey is 10 now. Makes me feel old! After going through a horrible ordeal, Paula married the most wonderful man last year. Her happiness is contagious and she is such a great example to me.

On Friday my family went out for a celebratory dinner to Texas Roadhouse. It's one of my favorite restaurants, they have the most incredible rolls! We were celebrating the fact that I am finally starting my masters program! Woo hoo!
My sweet, sweet Grandparents.
The fam! Minus my older sister, Natalie.
On Friday night, my baby cousin Stayton came over to spend the night! I figured it was the perfect opportunity to have a play date with my best friend Summer and her little girl, Greenlee. It was so funny!
Are we really in this phase of life already??
Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a picture of me and my favorite little girl... Can't believe how big she's getting! She said her first word on the 4th of July and of course it was Mama (she's definitely a Mamma's girl and a spitting image of Summer at that!)
These little ones made me realize that I will be waiting a LONG time before having any of my own! It's impossible to carry on a conversation with 2 babies in the room! Haha
The rest of the weekend was pretty low key. Mom and I did a lot of shopping in preparation for our beach trip to South Carolina. We took a drive down to Chenal in order to visit the new "Charming Charlie". IF you haven't been to this store, it's a MUST! Especially if you like accessories like me! We also went and saw Eclipse. I must say it was a lot better than the last two movies. My mom seems to be Team Jacob and it's so funny to hear her explain why she thinks Bella should choose Jacob over Edward. My mom never ceases to crack me up!