
Bits and Pieces

I figured while I had about 15 minutes of spare time I would take a second and write a new post on here since it's been a while :)

I don't feel like forming complete sentences and paragraphs so here are some fragments of my crazy busy life!

My life has been absolutely crazy here lately. But God is good even in the craziness! I am realizing more and more that God is in control and even at the end of a long, hard day His love is still all I need.

I absolutely hate pumping gas and inevitably that always leads to me waiting until the last possible minute to get gas. I drove around all last night with my gas tank open. This is why I shouldn't get gas.

I had a stomach virus a couple of weeks ago. Now my roommate has one. I like to think I do a good job at cleaning our apartment... Evidently not.

Well it looks like I might not be graduating in May after all.

I'm so tired I have a hard time thinking coherently.

I am going home this weekend and couldn't be more excited. This trip is coming at the perfect time.

For those of you who like a good push, you should read crazy love. It has really been challenging me.

I went to New Heights this last Sunday and really really loved it. I wish I could make it every Sunday....

I baked something in the oven this morning and didn't burn it. Success!



I love love love photography. I'm really horrible at it though. Someday I want to take lessons. Until then, I will just enjoy the pictures that other people take. Here are some I am currently loving...


Don't you just hate those tests where you study your butt off knowing that the test is still going to be impossibly hard? Yea, I had one of those today. It really sucked. I'm just glad it's over with. I'll be so glad when this class is over at the end of the semester. I love the class, I just hate the tests.
On another note, I am really excited for tomorrow because I am going to start my shadowing at Elkins High School. I'm looking forward to being in a classroom and seeing how the teacher does things. I am loving my teaching classes that I have right now which further proves to me that teaching is definitly the career choice for me!

Well I am so happy that fall is finally here! Since it's my favorite season, I figured I'd post some pictures of Arkansas in fall. Beautiful!


Surgery Round 3

Well today was one of my orthopedic appointments. I always get a little nervous when I go in for an appointment because I am always fearful that something is going to be wrong with my leg. My worries subsided when Dr. Pleiman (who is wonderful btw) told me everything looks great on my xrays and that all my hardware in my leg looks good too. He then asked me about pain and I explained to him that my leg gets really stiff easily and that it is still difficult to walk long distances and I don't feel 100% back to normal. He encouraged me to think about having all of the plates and screws that are in my leg removed. He said that by removing them I will have a lot more mobility in my leg and it will just make me feel much better. He said there's no hurry, just whenever, if I decide to go ahead with the surgery. After talking to my mom, I think we are leaning towards going ahead and having the surgery over Christmas so I will have Christmas break to recuperate, and then will feel much better next semester. So here we go surgery round 3!



10 things I'm happy about right now:
* I'm actually starting to feel human again after my 24 hr bug.
* I love my new uggs. I have wanted uggs for the past 3 years but have refused to buy them because of how expensive they were. They are completely worth every penny! So comfy!
* Tomorrow is a Razorback game day! Woo hoo!
* I love the time of year when you get to register for new classes next semester. It makes me really excited to think about all the different classes I could take.
* Next semester will be my last semester of college. I can't believe how fast it has gone by!
* Tonight is going to be a completely lazy night at home.
*I have a starbucks gift card. Enough said.
*It's almost the holidays! My favorite time of the year!
* I got my car back FINALY!!!
*Tonight I might actually get some of that online class done that I've been procrastinating for the past 6 months...



It's so easy to get caught up in my own life and forget how ridiculously blessed I am. My life is not easy, by any means, but God has blessed me in so many ways and I forget that all of the time! It's easy to get consumed in my own problems and forget that there are a hundreds of people who are put in way more difficult situations that I am. I don't always understand God's plan, but I know that He does things for a reason.
Right now, I am having such a difficult time understanding why God takes people out of our lives. I know He has a purpose for everything, but it's hard to explain that to someone who is hurting. OR when I'm hurting...

Ok enough of that.

I am so so soooo happy that it's finally fall! The weather is absolutely gorgeous and I have so loved getting to put out all my fall decorations :)
This is a short post today, I need to get ready to go love on some little ones!